Friday, September 24, 2010

Introduction to EME2040

After the first week of EME class I began to realize how relevant this class is to our generation and future. The days of textbooks and classroom learning are becoming outdated, shopping online has trumped going to a store, and giant compilations of music can be downloaded in a single click (illegally). These, and many other, changes are a precursor of more to come and we, as a society, need be educated on how to handle them.

In the readings “Partnerships for 21st Century Skills,” what caught my eye was the section about bringing 21st century interdisciplinary themes
into core subjects. The core subjects consisted of global awareness, financial, economic, business, and entrepreneurial literacy, civic literacy, healthy literacy, and environmental literacy. This caught my eye because these areas are essential to living a successful, well-educated lifestyle.

EME 2040 look to be a class that can educate student for “real life” scenarios, regardless of the field you are studying. I am planning on going to law school and becoming an attorney. Regardless of the field of law I enter, computer skills and education of programs will be essential to the future of my business, career, and lifestyle.

The video 21st Century Educational Reality shows how important it is for America, as a nation, and us, as the youth of America, to become educated. The future is now.

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